From Mushrooms to Road Fries, Snacks has the menu you need for maximum brain nourishment.
Why not enjoy this week's edition of Snacks whilst lounging in a stranger's pool munching on fried gold?
Just hear us out... a collab between Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield and Celebrity Meat. Any takers?
A question for the Snackaholics - When’s the last time you read the terms before you agreed to them?
Snacks usually prefer our steak medium rare, what temperature does the chef suggest for the beetroot?
We've Snacked on many things from a vending machine, but we have never ever tasted a colour!
Snacks are professional at Snacking, we have tasted it all (Starlight enters the chat) ... well we thought we had.
I just need a product that will do the work for me... is there a drink for that?
No, I'm not snacking more! No my hand is not currently in the fridge. STOP LOOKING AT ME, YOU'RE NOT MY MOM. *munch munch